Impact Landscapes Blog Blog Lawn care in Burlington County and Gloucester County, NJ

Lawn care in Burlington County and Gloucester County, NJ

Lawn care for a lush green and smooth lawn

Your lawn makes a substantial difference to your garden and outside spaces and professional lawn care will help ensure your grass remain in prime condition. Impact Landscape provides professional lawn care services in Burlington County, Camden County, Gloucester County, Salem County, Sewell and South Jersey.

A healthy lawn is a beautiful and attractive one. If your lawn is not lush green and smooth, then you could benefit from lawn care. Grass is a living plant and in order to survive and remain in mint condition it needs stuff. For one it needs the right soil to grow on and feed on. For example, the pH of your soil plays an important part in the health of the grass and your lawn.

Lawn care services will ensure your lawn grows on properly prepares soil and provide important preventative tasks. Many people cut the grass too often or too short, which adds additional stress to the grass. Slightly taller grass also develops stronger roots.

Proper irrigation is a vital part of lawn care. Deep irrigation helps root development and prevents certain bug infestations. The type of soil also plays a role in the amount of water your grass needs. Certain types of soil dry out faster than others.

Your lawn needs more that water – it also needs some real food in the form of fertilizer. You should use a fertilizer that includes important micronutrients such as sulphur copper and iron. Think of fertilizer as a multi-vitamin for grass.

Weeds such as crabgrass is a lawns worst nightmare. The best way to avoid weeds is too grow and maintain healthy grass. If do have a crabgrass problem, then a profession landscaper will now which herbicides will work best. Aeration is another important part of lawn care that improves circulation and penetration.

A professional landscape knows about soil, type of grass and the related lawn care that is required in order to ensure your lawn remains lush, green and soft.

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