Impact Landscapes Blog Blog Get Your Landscape Ready for the Winter!

Get Your Landscape Ready for the Winter!

Winter is Coming!

Just because winter has almost arrived doesn’t mean that your landscape has to be dull and drab! Here are a few ways to bring out the beauty in your yard and ensure that it looks better than ever when spring arrives.

Clear Away Autumn Leaves and Branches

A blanket of dried up leaves isn’t a good look for any yard. In fact, those leaves can smother your lawn, inviting pests and diseases while preventing water, nutrients, and air from reaching the roots. Rather than tackling this big job in one go, we recommend clearing away the leaves on a regular basis once they start to fall.

Clean Your Gutters

Are you ready to buy a brand-new roof for your home? If the answer is “No,” then don’t neglect your gutters and risk damaging your roof. Clogged gutters can cause water to overflow onto your shingles, leading to leaks. The best time to clean your gutters during the fall is just after all of your leaves have dropped.

Put Up Your Christmas Lights

For many people, it just doesn’t feel like the holidays until their neighborhood is twinkling with lights. But not everyone has the time to climb up on a ladder and spend hours trying to get their lights to work just right. Of course, you can always hire a professional team to provide beautiful Christmas lights and expertly decorate your home.

Prepare Your Lawn for Cold Weather

You can ensure that your lawn is protected during the cold weather months and ready to sprout up in the spring when you perform essential tasks such as:

  • Aeration
  • Seeding
  • Fertilizing

Additionally, don’t forget to winterize your sprinkler system to avoid frozen and broken pipes!

Our Team Will Take Care of Your Lawn This Fall

At Impact Landscapes, LLC., our landscaping and fencing contractors in Burlington County will ensure that your property always looks its best. We offer essential fall services, such as fall clean-up, Christmas light decoration, and gutter cleaning, to keep your landscape healthy and lovely from fall to spring.

To find out more about our fall landscaping services and fence installation in Burlington County, give us a call today at 856-202-3065 or request a FREE quote online.

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